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CLDA Members are encouraged to share news about their company. CLDA may share on social media, in newsletters or the Customized Logistics & Delivery Magazine.
Ready to share your news with CLDA or the industry media? Learn from these tips and tricks on how to get noticed.
1. Can you share a specific example of how your involvement with the CLDA board has positively impacted your career or business?
Being on the CLDA board has given me invaluable insight into the logistics industry. It’s helped me refine my strategies for growing Express Errands & Courier by connecting with industry leaders and staying ahead of key trends. Also, being surrounded by peers who have been in the industry for 20+ years has been incredibly valuable. In addition to the professional connections I’ve made through CLDA, I’ve also developed lasting friendships that have enriched my journey.
2. What unique opportunities for networking and education has your role on the CLDA board provided, and how have these opportunities enhanced your professional development?
The networking and educational opportunities have been incredible, by far the best! From attending our annual FMF conference to engaging in deep-dive discussions with industry experts, I’ve gained fresh perspectives that have elevated both my business acumen and leadership skills. As the Membership Chair, I’ve had the privilege of fostering new relationships and promoting growth within the CLDA community, which has been both rewarding and transformative for my own development.
3. How did you hear about CLDA, and what convinced you to join?
I first heard about CLDA through a client who spoke highly of the association’s impact. They couldn’t recall the name right away, but once I found CLDA, I knew it was home for Express Errands & Courier. After attending a few FMF conferences, I realized that joining was the game-changer my business needed. Now, as Membership Chair, I’d love to be of service to others. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and say hello!
1. Can you share a specific example of how your involvement with the CLDA board has positively impacted your career or business?
Being on the board of the CLDA has opened so many doors for me over the past 2 years. I’m having discussions with other board members I never would have been able to have without this board position. The closer connections have helped me navigate through some challenging times in our industry, and I’m so glad to have several people at my fingertips to call and ask for advice. I’ve known many of them for years, but not at this level, and they are truly a wonderful group of individuals who lead this association.
2. What unique opportunities for networking and education has your role on the CLDA board provided, and how have these opportunities enhanced your professional development?
Because we have such a diverse board, it’s allowed to learn how different size companies, in different markets navigate this ever-changing landscape of the final-mile world. Before the board, I only knew how my company was run, but now I have a much different perspective and appreciation for how companies much larger, and smaller than me operate. There is so much goodness that comes from gaining different perspectives, and this board has given me that, times 10!
3. How did you hear about CLDA, and what convinced you to join?
Being a second generation-owner, I knew about the CLDA through my father. We’ve been members for over 30 years, but it wasn’t until I started going to the conferences, joining committees, and eventually joining the board, that I truly came to appreciate all that the CLDA has to offer. It’s truly a special group.