1. Can you share a specific example of how your involvement with the CLDA board has positively impacted your career or business?
Being a member of The CLDA Board has been a jolt to my professional development as a business leader. The CLDA board looks at trends in the final mile delivery industry, whether it’s education, advocacy or collaboration. Being a board member has given me first hand insight into what is happening in the final mile industry and how to prepare my business for the future.
2. What unique opportunities for networking and education has your role on the CLDA board provided, and how have these opportunities enhanced your professional development?
Serving as a Co Chair on the Final Mile Focus was a unique opportunity to look at Industry Verticals, Industry Affiliates who support Carriers and Shippers and trends in the final mile. Once called the Executive Leadership Summit or ELS, serving as a board member, I chose the unique opportunity to launch with the ELS Chair an educational opportunity to bring carriers, shippers and affiliates in a virtual education format which was a huge success. This was my first opportunity to plan, organize and execute a virtual webinar and the experience was outstanding.
3. How did you hear about CLDA, and what convinced you to join?
Our firm has been a member of the CLDA for many years and my father, George E. Pillow Jr was a board member when the CLDA was called the MCAA. I would like to thank Jason Burns Sr and Steve Howard for encouraging me to become more active in the association and running for the board. The CLDA is the preeminent association for the final mile industry. Serving on the board is a privilege and has truly allowed me to network with the industry’s finest professionals.