Become a Shipper Member
Shipper Members are businesses operating in the US and Canada that own or control the goods being shipped. Shipper members are non-voting members and cannot hold elected office in the Association.
If you operate outside these territories, please click here.
Membership Terms
- Membership Year. All memberships end on December 31, regardless of the date of application, unless noted otherwise during a promotional period or special circumstance. Renewing membership years are January 1 – December 31.
- Fees. The standard rate for Shipper Members is $249.00 per year. Companies joining CLDA for the first time during the months of July-September receive a 50% discount on their first year’s dues. Membership term expires December 31, regardless of the join date unless noted otherwise.
- Non-refundable. Membership dues are non-refundable.
Member Benefits
- NEW! CLDA Member Health Plan is an opportunity for CLDA members to offer limited medical plans to their employees.
- Build your business with an expanded network of industry leaders from all logistic and delivery markets.
- Affect change in the industry as a voice in Washington through CLDA lobbying efforts.
- Expand your business IQ with progressive educational programs and events that share current best practices and innovative solutions.
- Grow your network of potential carriers by utilizing CLDA’s Find a Delivery Partner online directory. CLDA members have access to expanded details about each company.
- Pursue contracts that extend into other market areas with access to the national CLDA member database.
- Stay current on the latest trends in the industry with a subscription to the quarterly Customized Logistics & Delivery Magazine.
- Bolster your budget with discounted registration fees to the Final Mile Forum and free access to webinars and other member-only virtual events.
- Increase your profitability by reducing costs with the CLDA Member Benefits Program, which offers special deals on everyday services and programs.
- Elevate your professional image when you display the official CLDA member logo.