Mark Cossack - CLDA

Mark has experience in the following industries: courier and trucking, financial services, insurance and technology. He holds a BA in Computer Science along with an MBA, both from the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. Mark has held VP positions at multiple Fortune 300 companies and currently serves as the President of Priority Courier Experts – VANEX in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Priority started in 1997 and has grown into a 500+ vehicle fleet consisting of commercial vehicles including tractor trailers, straight trucks and specialty vehicles, plus a full range of parcel vehicles. Priority’s operations are concentrated in MN and the surrounding states and is the dominant same-day carrier in the region.

Mark has been highly involved and dedicated at both the state and federal levels to preserving the Independent Contractor model. He single-handedly moved the courier industry in MN to be included in a critical statutory definition of an Independent Contractor when trucking and labor forces were trying to exclude its inclusion. Mark continues to work closely with our federal sponsor of IC legislation.